Sunday, March 10, 2013


I am interested in comments, suggestions or any issues concerning Eve Live Tiles.


  1. Is it possible to have a tile in my start menu for each of my characters?

  2. No it's not possible, each tile represents an application.

  3. it s complete crash the new version, please fix it.

    1. it works again, thank you guys!!!

      If you have time, try to do a Windows phone version, it would be marvellous and i will be ready to pay for that

  4. A new version in on it's way. If no accounts show you will need to manually move the account data




  5. I am curious to get some references or feedbacks for Tiles Exporters so we would have various options and latest patterns.

  6. Hi Erik,

    Please consider this post as a general constructive point of improvement rather than consideration (genuinely really like the app as a whole, but this post is requesting feedback/suggestions).

    1) Provide an option for turning some notifications off, as they're not particularly clear initially as to what's being notified. Furthermore, have the option to not notify on certain characters that some people may not consider important. (Also the option to hide some characters from the live tile would be appreciated)

    2) The skill plan creator is a little fiddly in terms of having to right click to bring up the add skill button at the bottom, this could be made a little more smooth

    3) Without saying 'copy EveMon'.... consider some elements of EveMon's in terms of their ease of creating skill plans with a simple right click, even if I do visually prefer your interface

    4) Again, without saying copy others, Jeveassets is fantastic in terms of giving an overview of net isk value in assets etc, using data pulled from . If that could somehow be incorporated I'm sure a lot of users would be highly appreciative.

    5) If one could import evemon/other source plans they already have into the app then it will ease the switch for a lot of people to this kind of app-interface.

    6) Incorporate a mail reader into the app, as that is a common desire for 3rd party tools outside of the game.

    7) the skill planner list is not updated in terms of the recent Odyssey name changes (i.e. doesn't have a 'targeting' subsection of skills etc.)

    End critique.

    Seriously though, it looks really good, runs well and set up with no problem, however if you were looking for ways of improving it then please consider this constructively rather than an insult as that is not my intent.

  7. sirfari thanks for your comments, I am currently taking a break from Eve and therefore the app. I will consider all these enhancements when I come back. I can see that Eve changed the skill tree so I need to update for that.


  8. My sheets, skills, certificates and assets are greyed out. I insured that everything was checked orange when generating my API key. Mostly everything works except for those features. I've even tried regenerating a new API key and reloading my character. Is there a log file I can look at to see what's up with this app?

  9. Hi Erik,
    The app is useful so far - are you likely to pick it up and improve it a little or have you laid this one to rest?


    1. Hi Rob,

      I am not actively working on this app because I am not playing Eve. Would you like to pick up where I left off?


  10. Someone please pick this up! Would love to be able to see a summary of my characters like how EVE Mon shows a short summary when you hover over the icon in the notification area.

  11. Any plans to update this?
    Currently doe snot pull any information into live tiles.

  12. I no longer have time to maintain this app. If someone would like to take up the project I have open sourced it.

  13. Thanks!
    Grabbed it, spent a whole day installing Visual Studio and all the bits. Now I have no idea what to do! Great learning experience so thanks for the source.

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